Monday, December 31, 2018

Starting at Ground Zero

New England Conservatory of Music
Since Elden Kelly is responsible for inspiring my journey to guitar greatness, I thought it would only be fitting that I should begin this metaphorical journey at his alma mater, the New England Conservatory of Music at 290 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. I start by walking from there to US highway 20, where I will spend the rest of my journey, ending ultimately at Newport, Oregon, before heading back East.

My first major goal is to get to Sturbridge, Massachusetts, a walk of about 63 miles that will take me through such towns as Waltham, Weston, Marlborough, and Auburn. I hope to see a lot of interesting sights on the way.
NEC to Sturbridge
The first mile of my journey takes me to the Barnes & Noble@Boston University bookstore, located at 660 Beacon Street, where it merges with Commonwealth Ave, also known as US-20. This will make a fitting first stop, being a bookstore (has a bathroom & seats) and also part of BU, where my husband's grandfather went to college from 1922-25. Looks like a pleasant walk past a park! So, one mile equals one hour of practice. Better get with it!

From NEC to B&N